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January 2022

Texas ASCD: Teaching for Deeper Learning – Day 2 of 2

January 25, 2022 @ 9:00 am - 4:00 pm CST
Texas ASCD – 2-Day Online Academy TX

A New Two-Day Online Academy with Harvey Silver and Jay McTighe January 24, 2022—January 25, 2022 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM CT Sign up by January 14, 2022! COST: $399 ($349 for Texas ASCD Members) TEXAS EDUCATORS: Participants will receive 12 hours of TEA-approved Continuing Education Credits. REGISTER NOW   As educators, we want all students to learn deeply and well. Yet far too often, students attain only a superficial level of knowledge that fails to prepare them for deeper…

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Three Cs to Help All Students Conceptualize

January 27, 2022 @ 3:30 am - 4:30 pm EST

Our ability to conceptualize is natural, yet many students often struggle with this way of thinking in the classroom. By simplifying the process to focus on Collecting, Connecting, and Concluding, we can help all learners build the capacity to unite facts and details into deep and lasting conceptual understanding. In this webinar, Dr. Harvey Silver will model practical tools teachers can use right away to help their students organize important information around meaningful concepts and transfer their learning into other…

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February 2022

Turning Challenge into Opportunity: Make This the Year of Deeper Learning

February 24, 2022 @ 3:30 pm - 4:30 pm EST

With challenge comes opportunity. If we take this opportunity to focus our instruction on deeper learning then we can help all of our students build lasting understanding and develop the powerful thinking skills they'll need in the world beyond school. In this webinar, Dr. Harvey Silver will model practical tools teachers can use right away to ensure their instruction is focused on what's most important—deeper learning for all students. BONUS: All participants will receive a FREE classroom poster to use…

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April 2022

Test-Taking Tune-Up: Two Tools to Help Students Boost Achievement on State Assessments

April 12, 2022 @ 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm EDT

It’s not about “skill and drill.” It’s about equipping students with the test-taking skills they need to get more out of readings and break down math problems. In this webinar, Senior Director of Content Development, Matthew Perini, will share two tools that will quickly boost students’ test-taking know-how: Power Previewing teaches students the habits and skills of good “pre-reading.” Research shows students who can preview texts systematically before reading achieve higher comprehension. Math Notes is a simple, replicable process for…

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Solving the Problems of Problem-Based Learning: Diminished Collaboration Skills

April 26, 2022 @ 12:30 pm - 1:00 pm EDT

Problem-based learning and project-based learning place a higher premium on student collaboration than traditional classroom assignments. But students do not come to school with a fully formed set of collaborative skills. Compounding this problem is that the disruptions caused by the pandemic have limited students’ opportunities to work together as problem-solving teams. So, what can we do about it? In this new webinar, expert teacher and coach, Joyce Jackson, will . . . Lay out the key research-based principles that…

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